Sunday, 29 April 2012

Friday 27 April 2012

This week rain stopped play for most planned activities. 

Tucano Flt raced through History of the ATC and History of Flight, they continued to learn new moves in drill and work particularly on saluting.

The drill squad worked continued to practice when the rain stopped and inspected uniforms to help with their standards.

We had a visit from the Wing Training Officer who discussed new courses and reviewed existing ones. 

Flt Lt Green called at stores on RAF Waddington to pick up an SD hat for Plt Off Wright, so that he could get back into uniform for parade nights. Unfortunately when it was tried on it was found to be a ladies hat, so if anyone needs a size 59 (massive head) female officers SD hat please get in touch with him. Well done boss.

Well done to Cdts Robson and Lindley who passed Principles of Flight on the Ultilearn system

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Wednesday 18 March 2012

The recruits in Tucano Flt were tested on their knowledge of the History of the Royal Air Force tonight, they will move on to the history of the ATC next. They haven't made much progress in drill yet as the weather has simply been too bad since the intake started.

The members of the drill team arrived early to practice and then work on their uniforms.

The rest of the squadron did some aircraft recognition then projects. The cadets who attended the recent sector training in Radio Comms practised their skills with the squadrons handsets.

Good luck to all the cadets who are making the effort to attend the Wing athletics this weekend. Events like this are taken into account when deciding on awards and promotions. The coach for the team will be outside the TA Centre at 07.15 hrs on Sunday morning and dependent on conditions and organisation should be setting back about 16.30. Please remember your consent forms, F3822's, sports kit and food.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Wednesday 4th April

We had 12 new starters today, with ice-breaker exercises they got to know each other. They had a talk from Flt Lt Green about 218 (Rotherham) Sqn, and were introduced to Plt Off Wright, CI Bennett and CI Burns.

CI Burns organised the cadets into events for the upcoming Wing athletics (22nd April) and the cadets selected for the Squadron drill team worked on uniform maintenance.

With Friday being a bank holiday (Good Friday) it was decided to stand-down the squadron for the night. The training programme was changed and next Wednesday will be inspections, subs and flight meetings for all except Tucano Flt.

Good luck to the cadets who have been selected for the Wing Activity Week at Windermere next week.